From Monolith to Microservices (Video)

Managing our growing Microservices Ecosystem.

Posted on Feb 10, 2016

The MicroXchange 2016 conference took place on February 4-5 in Berlin, bringing together technologists from all around the world with a passion for microservices architecture. Our Head of Engineering, Rodrigue Schaefer took the stage to describe how Zalando engineers are taking a microservices approach to frontend as well as backend through a rebuild of the company’s “shop”—the unit that includes 15 country-specific, customer-facing websites.

Rodrigue’s talk explains how our 85+ engineering teams have managed to tackle the challenges that come with this transition through a combination of organisational decisions, such as our approach to autonomous teams, and the development of new tools, such as STUPS, our open source platform as a service for using AWS and Docker. Find the talk below for more insights.

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